
Mind Your Mom – Homeward Bound May 2021

MIND YOUR MOM – HOMEWARD BOUND MAY 2021 Just about every May I sit down to write Homeward Bound; I write about Mom’s Day.

And why not… it is a very special day for very special people.

Time reveals, in fact, just about every caring Mother is a Wise Woman. I can see why we carve out a special day each year to acknowledge Moms.  So here is a shout out to all Mom’s – Happy Mother’s Day!!

We can celebrate this Mother’s Day knowing Moms both here and no longer here are special in more ways than we can count.


Especially… the Moms being helped by Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) of Toronto!

Therefore, we offer guarantees and assurances to our clients.  We call this Our Risk Removal System.  Like our Guaranteed Sale Program: Your Home Sold at a Price Agreeable to You or We’ll Buy It*. And our VIP Buyer Satisfaction Guarantee:  If You Are Not Happy With Your Home, We Will Buy It Back!*  In fact, our Exclusive Seller Agreements Offer 10 Unprecedented Guarantees.  In our experience, these guarantees elevate our service and our clients experience.  

And by now, four paragraphs into this month’s Homeward Bound, you are wondering how the headline ties into any of this.  If you are receiving Homeward Bound for the first time, you will notice we give back to those in our community who need help the most. Like our neighbors at Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) of Toronto!


Your Referrals Help Continue the Life Changing Work by Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) of Toronto!


As a result of working with over hundreds of families for the last 5  years, we have developed a special market-proof program to quickly get an acceptable “cash” offer on any home for market value. So, we are giving Home Owners wanting to make a move a very special gift this season.


Also Read: Homeward Bound April 2021

OUR GUARANTEE to you, your friends and family—

For the month of MAY, we will guarantee, in writing, a CASH Offer within 24 Hours at a Price Acceptable to any Home Owner wanting to sell the place they call home.*


So, if you or anyone you know like the idea of making money in real estate using other people’s money, please contact us right away.


We have an awesome tool developed to provide you Custom Search for all MLS Listing as they hit the market. Our searches include Bank Foreclosures, Company Owned Properties, Builder Sales, Private Sales and all other distress sales. Visit HERE  to sign you so you don’t miss out a great deal when you are ready to make a move.


Making gains in assets and wealth are nice!  I especially like it because it allows me the opportunity to GIVE more. How about you?


As you probably know, we donate a portion of our income to some AMAZING worthy causes!  Like Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) of Toronto, one of the country’s leading non-profit organization in treating cancer patients and finding cure.

This year we are on a mission to raise $10,000 for CCS.  Their work in helping cancer victims fight thru and survive through this nasty disease as well as their work in early diagnosis of cancer including researches being done to find cancer sure is second to none! And as the leading not for profit in our area, you probably know they need sponsorships and donations to continue their leading-edge care and keep family’s expenses to a minimum. We are committed to donating a portion of our income from home sales to this very worthy cause.  So, YOUR REFERRALS really do HELP FIGHT CANCER…


Who do you know considering buying or selling a home, or investing in real estate you could refer to my team?  Not only will they benefit from our award-winning service, but the cancer patients at the Canadian Cancer Society will benefit as well.


Just give me a call or pass my number on to anyone you know considering buying or selling. My number is 647-997-1281.


You and your referrals mean more than ever to my team and I.  As we move forward thru this season, please know we are extremely thankful for you and you being a special part of our business.

Thank you in advance for your referrals!



Thinking about BUYING or SELLING a Home,
Richi Khanna can help you and if you have any questions in regards to real estate, then you must call Me today! at
What Are You Waiting For?

Mind Your Mom

Richi Khanna

*Certain Conditions Apply. Call for details