
Making the Move: Should You Buy or Sell First When Upgrading to a Newer Home?

Upgrading to a newer home is a significant life decision that opens the door to exciting possibilities. However, it also comes with a common dilemma: should you buy a new home first or sell your current one? This choice can have far-reaching financial and logistical implications, making it crucial to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

In this blog, we’ll explore the considerations surrounding both options to help you navigate this pivotal decision.

The Case for Buying First

  1. Peace of Mind and Flexibility: Purchasing your new home before selling your current one offers a sense of security and freedom. You can take your time finding the perfect property without the pressure of an impending sale.
  2. Seamless Transition: Buying first allows you to transition smoothly from your old home to the new one. This can be especially beneficial if you plan to renovate or make changes before moving in.
  3. Avoid Temporary Housing: By avoiding the need for temporary housing, you save money and stress associated with multiple moves. You won’t have to worry about finding interim accommodations during the transition.


Financial Burden: Owning two properties simultaneously can strain your finances. You’ll need to manage mortgage payments, property taxes, and maintenance costs for both homes until your current property sells.

Market Fluctuations: If the housing market experiences a downturn, you might face challenges selling your old home at a desirable price. This could potentially leave you with two properties for an extended period.


The Case for Selling First

  1. Financial Clarity: Selling your current home before buying a new one provides a clear understanding of your budget. You’ll know exactly how much you can afford and won’t be stretched financially by owning two properties.
  2. Negotiation Power: Having the funds from a recent home sale can enhance your bargaining position as a buyer. Sellers may view you as a serious and motivated buyer, potentially leading to better negotiation outcomes.
  3. Reduced Financial Risk: Selling first eliminates the financial strain of owning two homes simultaneously. This option can be particularly attractive during uncertain economic conditions.


Another to Blog to Read:  The Guaranteed Home Sale: How Does It Work?



Timing and Temporary Housing: Selling before buying could mean you’ll need temporary housing while searching for your new home. This inconvenience might lead to additional costs and stress.

Rushed Decisions: The urgency to find a new home after selling might lead to hasty decisions. You might settle for a property that doesn’t fully meet your preferences.



The decision of whether to buy a new home first or sell your current one when upgrading is multi-faceted. It hinges on your unique circumstances, financial stability, and the prevailing real estate market conditions. Buying first offers flexibility and a seamless transition, but it comes with financial risks and market uncertainty. Selling first provides financial clarity and reduces the burden of two mortgages, yet it could lead to temporary housing and rushed decisions.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your risk tolerance, financial capacity, and personal preferences. Seeking advice from real estate professionals, financial advisors, and even friends who have been through similar situations can provide valuable insights. Careful consideration of these factors will empower you to make an informed decision that aligns with your aspirations and ensures a smooth transition to your new and improved home.


Thinking about BUYING or SELLING a Home,
Richi Khanna can help you and if you have any questions in regards to real estate, then you must call Me today at

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