
How Much Can You Spend On The Next Home in Brampton?

Spend On The Next Home – I once passed by a house for sale in a beautiful area in Brampton, and then said to myself: “Can I buy a house like this?”

Why don’t you find it out? It only takes a few calculations to determine how many new homes you are eligible for. – Spend On The Next House


The following three factors can help you determine that you can afford the cost of a suite:


  1. How much is your current house worth?

Knowing the value of current homes on the market today, you can assess the price you can afford and have a good understanding of the overall financial situation. It can also determine whether the list you care about is priced correctly and how to price your home. Before buying your next home on a budget, use online appraisal tools and similar homes to determine the value of the home.



  1. The type of house you want to take next.

The main characteristics of the dream house, such as its square footage, location, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, style (e.g. two-story building and ranch), and year of construction, all of which determine how much you need to pay to make it yours . Do some research to understand the market’s preference (or no preference) for the type of housing you are interested in.



Also Read: 5 Factors To  Consider When Buying A Home



  1. Your current assets and liabilities

Of course, you should also consider your income, liquidity savings and other financial resources! It’s time to check these pre-authorized donations in your “Rainy Day Savings” account, see how much the cars/boats/jewelry you don’t use may be worth, and check all current assets. This may surprise you, how much is your accumulated asset value! On the other hand, any large accrued debts or outstanding loans also need to be recorded in the accounts. You need to clean up these things before buying a house.



Even if you are not planning to sell your current home, you may want to know how much you can afford. After everything is set up, you should have a good understanding of how much you can spend and the price range you can use to help you buy a new house with confidence.

Try this exercise out! It is worth checking whether you can afford to enter your dream neighborhood and home now, or just need to set some goals to help you get there.








Thinking about BUYING or SELLING a Home in Brampton,
Richi Khanna can help you and if you have any questions in regards to real estate, then you must call Me today! at
What Are You Waiting For?

Spend On The Next Home

Richi Khanna
Sales Representative

*Certain Conditions Apply. Call for details